We are starting the New Year by introducing our low cost solution to protect the operator whilst handling their hot sample.
Our polypropylene bottle carrier provides an innovative solution to encase the bottle in an insulating safety cage. Allowing samples to be handled without requiring a cooling period. This not only enhances operational safety but also increases overall efficiency.
Safety is of utmost importance, especially when managing hot, corrosive media. Our design ensures the shield is securely held in place with a threaded two piece design and rubber energising ring, ensuring a reliable bottle and safe handling of samples.
For sample dispensing, screw-capped bottles are the most commonly used. We understand that customers often use specific sample bottles and that there are many types and sizes of bottles and threads. By providing your standard bottle, we can ensure the sampler we provide is compatible with your site-standard bottle
Do you have specific requirements? At CRP, we are dedicated to meeting every customer’s needs. As manufacturers, we specialize in creating bespoke solutions tailored to solve even your most challenging problems. Contact us today to discuss how we can help.